Thursday, November 28, 2013

Save the twinkie!

This cartoon is representing how so many americans flipped out when hostess shut down because they were in union negotiations so in order to cut the middle man out they shut down for 120 days and then came back under new ownership keeping the union out. There are only two people however on the left who think it is important to save the earth. This is interesting because the earth is a lot more important then twinkies but sometimes peoples views on what is really important is skewed. 

Vote today

The cartoon here is the Iraq government pointing their finger at the insurgents telling them they need to vote rather then fight the government. The word vote on the tip of the governments finger has ink that is representing that they are proving they voted to prevent them from voting again so they know who's voted and who hasn't. 

Stay down.

The cartoon here displays a bear who is the government telling people to create jobs for the country, but due to the regulations that are required by the government this really is restraining small businesses. So the private businesses aren't supposed to fight back and that is why the guy on the ground is "playing dead."

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Spying? No, we're just keeping you safe.

This cartoon really caught my eye because it made me recall the stir up in the news not too long ago in regards to the government spying on your everyday people. This cartoon is poking fun at how americans and U.S. citizens are so enthusiastic about their freedom, but little do some know you aren't as free as you believe. The surveillance camera in the cartoon is a representation of the governments spying efforts. The people in the cartoon are completely oblivious to all the spying that's going on, sometimes even on them without ever knowing. The cartoon is poking fun at the concept of independence and freedom when big brother is always watching. This is also referencing the Snowden controversy. 

Can I get an "AMEN"?

Part of Obama’s healthcare plan is that all women should receive birth control for free. The catholic choir in this cartoon is to represent the republican party who is against abortion. Notice that all of the choir members are white older males. They yell to Obama “HELL NO!” because they are 100% against his healthcare reform. Many republicans tend to lean to a more conservative point of view. This is being depicted by the choir members all being implied as white catholic males. On a personal note though, I feel men in general really shouldn’t have much of a say in regards to this issue given they cannot become pregnant anyways nor do they have any reason to take birth control because it has nothing to do with their gender in the first place. In turn this issue has no first hand impact on them at all.

Free Tattoos; You can really trust us.

Recently in the news there has been a huge debate whether or not the republicans made the right decision to cut the food stamps budget and regulate who receives them. The elephant getting a tattoo that says “kick me” on his back is clearly representing the republican party in this cartoon. While he holds a sign that says “I love the poor” of what he says he wants tattooed on him.  The donkey has an arm tattoo that says “I love spending” and “entitlements”. Clearly this cartoon is to poke fun at how the republicans are being complete hypocrites to what their party stands for and how the democrats feel entitled and are simply just throwing away money any which way however they please.

Debt is calling

This cartoon is illustrating the very large debt issue America is currently in. Last time I took note I believe the debt level was just above $17 billion dollars, if I recall correctly. When Obama came into office one of his main points was that he had a way to begin to eliminate the amount of debt the country is in. However, this cartoon completely contradicts just that. No matter how hard Obama tries to “dig us out of debt” we will still be stinking further and further in to debt.