This cartoon I find slightly unsettling and rather upsetting. The elephant is dressed in a Santa Clause costume playing the roll of Santa while he is really part of the democrat party. The man walking away has a word on his sweater that says "unemployed" to show to the viewer that this person is without a job. In the text box the man is saying "this wasn't on my wish list...". There is a knife in his back, that states "jobless benefits cuttoff" which is refering to the fact that he now has no unemployment money to rely on either due to the cut backs from the government. The man is walking away sadly feeling like he has been stabbed in the back by the government. Which in the literal sense he has been from the depiction of the image at least.
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
WAL-MART always low prices!
This image also relates to another image that I wrote about prior referencing McDonald's. Large companies, such as Wal*Mart as displayed in this image aren't really looking out for the best intentions for their employees, but rather what will make the big CEO's and VP's in the corner offices bring home more dough. This image I particaularly find interesting because the sign in the window shows Wal*Mart's slogan of "always low prices" which is the main reason most people choose to shop at a Wal*Mart because they expect these low prices. But rather than having someone outside ringing a bell for charity they are collecting the money for the employees inside who are unfortunately more than likely under paid and over worked. Which is visually trying to say that in fact the employees are poor and needy. Sadly this is the underlining truth with a lot of companies in corporate America.
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Micky D's
This image is referencing how the minimum wage rate is not going to go up. Unfortunately for many of the people who work at places like McDonald's $7.25 an hour is never going to be enough to really live off of. And what about the employees who have children? Or bills to pay? They will continue to live pay check to pay check barely getting by. While the company's hire ups roll around in all the dough! The image here is specifically targeting McDonald's corporation and how they have an estimated 1.5 million employees being underpaid.
Trans Fats don't kill
I particularly really like this image. Recently a law has been passed that the FDA now no longer allows trans fats in foods. The guy in the image is protesting this by saying that people kill people, and trans fats don't. But the man is also rather heavy set and his shirt is referencing how one will have to pry the donuts out of his "Cold dead fingers" before he gives up his love of trans fats and donuts. There really is no actual need for trans fats, but hey if someone wants to make themselves fat then so be it, the long term negative affects will come.
HO! HO! HO! MERRY CHRISTMAS! The spirit of Christmas is always a good feeling. And the story of old Saint Nick never seems to get old. However the believers in good old Santa Claus seem to be decreasing with every year. The image is poking fun at how Santa is loosing his believers and so is Obama. But when Obama comes to sit on Santa's lap he is sad that his poll numbers are down and more and more people aren't believing in him any longer. Santa however tells Obama he doesn't want to hear his sob story because he is going through the same dilemma. It also appears that Santa may not have much faith left in Obama either anymore.
With Thanksgiving comes politics
This image is quite amusing to me. It seems that every year come holiday season also brings the typical extended family drama. The cartoon is displaying a family eating, but now they are all practically choking each other due to a political conversation based around their personal thoughts of Obamacare. Clearly in this image one can see that not everyone has the same opinions towards Obamacare.
This image I find rather funny. Given all of the negative press Obama has received lately on the failure of the launch of Obamacare, Obama in this image is rejoicing "TA-DA!" because he has fixed the problem simply by covering it up with bandaids. A subtle metaphor for the changes and improvements he has seemed to have made, but are they only just temporary? A bandaid does have to come off eventually, so will the wounds really be healed?
And they all fall down.
In the spirit of the holidays I thought what better than some holiday political cartoons. The one above makes a very subtle yet bold statement. While one of the congressman is decorating the tree there is only one ornament that remains to stay on the tree. All of the other ornaments on the ground are broken and shattered representing all of the unfilled promises made to citizens. The 113th congress on the back of the man's sweater is also referencing the amount of years of congress and yet there still seems to be only but one change made.
Rob Ford
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Save the twinkie!
This cartoon is representing how so many americans flipped out when hostess shut down because they were in union negotiations so in order to cut the middle man out they shut down for 120 days and then came back under new ownership keeping the union out. There are only two people however on the left who think it is important to save the earth. This is interesting because the earth is a lot more important then twinkies but sometimes peoples views on what is really important is skewed.
Vote today
The cartoon here is the Iraq government pointing their finger at the insurgents telling them they need to vote rather then fight the government. The word vote on the tip of the governments finger has ink that is representing that they are proving they voted to prevent them from voting again so they know who's voted and who hasn't.
Stay down.
The cartoon here displays a bear who is the government telling people to create jobs for the country, but due to the regulations that are required by the government this really is restraining small businesses. So the private businesses aren't supposed to fight back and that is why the guy on the ground is "playing dead."
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Spying? No, we're just keeping you safe.
This cartoon really caught my eye because it made me recall the stir up in the news not too long ago in regards to the government spying on your everyday people. This cartoon is poking fun at how americans and U.S. citizens are so enthusiastic about their freedom, but little do some know you aren't as free as you believe. The surveillance camera in the cartoon is a representation of the governments spying efforts. The people in the cartoon are completely oblivious to all the spying that's going on, sometimes even on them without ever knowing. The cartoon is poking fun at the concept of independence and freedom when big brother is always watching. This is also referencing the Snowden controversy.
Can I get an "AMEN"?
Part of Obama’s healthcare plan is that all women should
receive birth control for free. The catholic choir in this cartoon is to
represent the republican party who is against abortion. Notice that all of the
choir members are white older males. They yell to Obama “HELL NO!” because they
are 100% against his healthcare reform. Many republicans tend to lean to a more
conservative point of view. This is being depicted by the choir members all
being implied as white catholic males. On a personal note though, I feel men in
general really shouldn’t have much of a say in regards to this issue given they
cannot become pregnant anyways nor do they have any reason to take birth
control because it has nothing to do with their gender in the first place. In
turn this issue has no first hand impact on them at all.
Free Tattoos; You can really trust us.
Recently in the news there has been a huge debate whether or
not the republicans made the right decision to cut the food stamps budget and
regulate who receives them. The elephant getting a tattoo that says “kick me”
on his back is clearly representing the republican party in this cartoon. While
he holds a sign that says “I love the poor” of what he says he wants tattooed
on him. The donkey has an arm tattoo
that says “I love spending” and “entitlements”. Clearly this cartoon is to poke
fun at how the republicans are being complete hypocrites to what their party
stands for and how the democrats feel entitled and are simply just throwing
away money any which way however they please.
Debt is calling
This cartoon is illustrating the very large debt issue
America is currently in. Last time I took note I believe the debt level was
just above $17 billion dollars, if I recall correctly. When Obama came into
office one of his main points was that he had a way to begin to eliminate the amount
of debt the country is in. However, this cartoon completely contradicts just
that. No matter how hard Obama tries to “dig us out of debt” we will still be
stinking further and further in to debt.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
I Kissed a boy and I liked it.
My friend kissed a boy and she didn’t. We all have heard the infamous pop lyrics of Katy Perry's "I Kissed a Girl" at least a time or two; if not here's the link to the video is here.
Strange concept? Sort of. Confusing? Maybe at first. Worthy of my (or anyone else’s) hatred? Not in the slightest.
Why homosexuality has been deemed a reason for people to hate anyone, beats me. I really don’t understand it. There’s nothing to be gained from it whatsoever. Furthermore, I don’t understand why homosexuals would be viewed as less than people. They’re good people, not in the sense of bad vs. good, or the sense that being gay makes one bad, but rather because they are human beings. Nothing makes them any different from you or I. They are fully capable of realizing any potential that another human has, heterosexual or not. They are in perfect working order.
And while I can’t say I understand fully the plight, I can say I’m familiar. I’ve been discriminated against for being young, intelligent, and sometimes socially awkward. I don’t mean that childish teasing (though I got that too); I mean that I had teachers give me Bs in classes even though that paper deserved an A.
Why? Because my point of view isn't the same as yours? Because homosexuality is outside of convention? Well, to hell with that. There’s no harm being done in being different; it’s the anomalies that are causing forward progress. I understand that there’s a fear of the unknown because I have it too. I fear not knowing what’s going to happen; I fear what I don’t understand. The thing is, I try to understand it. I don’t try to get rid of it. I don’t decide to hate it. I don’t condemn it. That’s such backward thinking.
So let me leave you with this to ponder for a moment:
We, as humans, are still animals. And as animals, we are natural competitors. Should we not appreciate those who are not competing against us? Think about it.
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Many Bloodsuckers
Politics; a popular term, when said in conversation many of us try to steer clear from. A good reason I myself take the detour from is because many times all that comes of the conversation of politics is argument, something I myself want no part in. But when you look a little closer into that eight letter word and break it down to its root meaning originating from greek reference we are left with two words "poli" (or poly) and "tics". Now we all know what tics are; those small blood sucking creatures that never seem to go away and well for "poli" the root meaning of that is many. So when you put it all together you get "many blood sucking creatures", as some would like to say. Interesting isn't it? And for those of you who are visual learners here is a more visual reference of "politics".
So for quite a number of our politic leaders many, not all, but quite a number would fall into the "bloodsucker" category. If we took roll call for every scandal a congressman, president, and any other political figure has had a bad run in with (getting caught that is) the list would out number all those who signed the declaration for our independence. By dictionary definition politics are "the assumptions or principles relating to or inherent in a sphere, theory, or thing, esp. when concerned with power and status in a society."
Politics though can be anything, not just the decisions made by congress. Politics are everywhere, the home, workplace, heck even the guy down the street knows about politics. Workplace politics however are always my favorite. It is kind of like you are back in 8th grade all over again trying to be the cool cat on the play ground looking all tough but also the suck up to the teacher to get that A in class you know you will never get without some persuasive homemade muffins. In the workplace though as a leader you want to motivate your other employees to be the best they can be. There is a silver lining however, and once you are on the wrong side of that lining there is no going back. So let's talk about the positive and negative politics of the workplace. Negative being those 8th grader suck ups, yeah you know the ones, the goodie-two-shoes, who manipulate people to get what they want out of them. Just like in congress "$$$ talks" wasn't said for nothing. Now on the other hand however there are also positive politics, for instance those who work together, have a good attitude, and COMPROMISE. A word congress really should look up again because they need a refresher on that vocabulary word. You see the difference is that positive politics, well they are a positive thing; they enable people to work together to participate in an effort to get the job done. Negative politics however being those stinky 8th graders, yup them again. You see they may get the job done too but the way it gets done is a lot different. Manipulation, betrayal, bribery, and undermining others, just to name a few. Otherwise known as the democrats. For example, the republicans make a huge effort to get everyone to get along and come to a decision and then out of nowhere comes the democrats undermining everyone and convincing everyone to come to there side so they can gain control and transfer the power to them and vise versa. But if you ask me politics, to be put simply all comes down to who gets what, when, and how.

Politics though can be anything, not just the decisions made by congress. Politics are everywhere, the home, workplace, heck even the guy down the street knows about politics. Workplace politics however are always my favorite. It is kind of like you are back in 8th grade all over again trying to be the cool cat on the play ground looking all tough but also the suck up to the teacher to get that A in class you know you will never get without some persuasive homemade muffins. In the workplace though as a leader you want to motivate your other employees to be the best they can be. There is a silver lining however, and once you are on the wrong side of that lining there is no going back. So let's talk about the positive and negative politics of the workplace. Negative being those 8th grader suck ups, yeah you know the ones, the goodie-two-shoes, who manipulate people to get what they want out of them. Just like in congress "$$$ talks" wasn't said for nothing. Now on the other hand however there are also positive politics, for instance those who work together, have a good attitude, and COMPROMISE. A word congress really should look up again because they need a refresher on that vocabulary word. You see the difference is that positive politics, well they are a positive thing; they enable people to work together to participate in an effort to get the job done. Negative politics however being those stinky 8th graders, yup them again. You see they may get the job done too but the way it gets done is a lot different. Manipulation, betrayal, bribery, and undermining others, just to name a few. Otherwise known as the democrats. For example, the republicans make a huge effort to get everyone to get along and come to a decision and then out of nowhere comes the democrats undermining everyone and convincing everyone to come to there side so they can gain control and transfer the power to them and vise versa. But if you ask me politics, to be put simply all comes down to who gets what, when, and how.
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