Politics though can be anything, not just the decisions made by congress. Politics are everywhere, the home, workplace, heck even the guy down the street knows about politics. Workplace politics however are always my favorite. It is kind of like you are back in 8th grade all over again trying to be the cool cat on the play ground looking all tough but also the suck up to the teacher to get that A in class you know you will never get without some persuasive homemade muffins. In the workplace though as a leader you want to motivate your other employees to be the best they can be. There is a silver lining however, and once you are on the wrong side of that lining there is no going back. So let's talk about the positive and negative politics of the workplace. Negative being those 8th grader suck ups, yeah you know the ones, the goodie-two-shoes, who manipulate people to get what they want out of them. Just like in congress "$$$ talks" wasn't said for nothing. Now on the other hand however there are also positive politics, for instance those who work together, have a good attitude, and COMPROMISE. A word congress really should look up again because they need a refresher on that vocabulary word. You see the difference is that positive politics, well they are a positive thing; they enable people to work together to participate in an effort to get the job done. Negative politics however being those stinky 8th graders, yup them again. You see they may get the job done too but the way it gets done is a lot different. Manipulation, betrayal, bribery, and undermining others, just to name a few. Otherwise known as the democrats. For example, the republicans make a huge effort to get everyone to get along and come to a decision and then out of nowhere comes the democrats undermining everyone and convincing everyone to come to there side so they can gain control and transfer the power to them and vise versa. But if you ask me politics, to be put simply all comes down to who gets what, when, and how.
I liked your image, but I wish it was bigger so that I could really see it. Part of the assignment was to analyze the image that you posted and I wish you had analyzed that image because it is very interesting. Make sure you do this in your next blogs. Also, proof read your blogs before posting, especially since anyone can read them. You made some good points, just focus your writing and provide a strong visual analysis next time.
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